Monday, October 29, 2018

I'm a weirdo

Yesterday while I was running, I realized what a weirdo I am.  Now before you agree or disagree with that comment please understand that I'm not offended by this term. No - in fact, I embrace it.  Or at least I am learning to embrace it.  As I was getting ready to set off on my 7 mile run, I was deciding what to listen to. (see how I gloated about my 7 miles right then?) Unlike a lot of my cohort runners, I like to listen to podcasts.  See? It's weird right? So I pick out the podcast I want, plug in my headphones and start my run.  I picked The Brendon Show.  If you haven't listened to his show go listen. Now. Well, finish reading this and then go listen.

Before I knew it I had listened to 6 of his episodes (this may mean I'm a slow runner...).  But I hadn't just listened to the episodes, I had changed my life.  During that time I listened about creating energy, nurturing great relationships, being a master of discipline, connection and resilience.  I listened about excuses and the things we tell ourselves to not achieve our goals. I listened about developing vision and awareness.  As I was running and starting to really question my running ability and telling myself I am crazy for thinking I can just get back to running after an injury and run 7 miles, I listened to the podcast on self-doubt.  Whoa guys.  I know music is good and all but an hour and 20 minutes of self-development without kids interrupting is magical.

So while I was running I decided I was going to change my life.  I realize that I'm not all of a sudden going to grow into a beautiful butterfly.  I know it takes time.  I also know that one small change can completely change the trajectory of your life.  One small decision now can lead to a changed future. I heard once from a wise lady that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago and the next best time is NOW.

In his show, Brendon talked about fears and walking people through those fears.  He spoke about how to move from one place to another you have to embrace who you are. You have to get over the embarrassment.  You have to stop getting upset by what others are saying about you or even what you are saying about yourself! That's my loose interpretation anyway. When we stop obsessing about how we will be seen by others you are able to start embracing who you truly are.  Let me say that again.  When I STOP obsessing about OTHERS thoughts about ME, I will be able to truly lean into who I really am and the person I AM.